Urli is a traditional container made from solid Brass.Therefore very heavy. It's
filled with water or even rose water and sprinkled with beautiful rose petals
and beautiful cut flowers. You can place this anywhere in your house to make
that space more lively and exhuberant. Like you could place it on the floor of
your living room in the center on a solid coffee table, sometimes you can choose
a nook where you have your house plants. I add rose water or rose essence along
with Kewda essence to the Urli water. That keeps the room smelling gorgeous.In
case you use a humidifier in your room try keeping an 'Urli',in your room and
feel the difference. My second idea for an Urli would be a ceramic flat circular
planter. Let the water outlet remain closed and secured before you fill it with
water. It works the same way as any metal urli would be used in your house.
Brass Urli
Ceramic Urli